Me Anel Alexis Joseph resigns as President of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary
Me Anel Alexis Joseph resigns as President of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary
It finally happened. The President of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary, Chief Justice Anel Alexis Joseph, finally resigned resigned on Wednesday .
There are several rumors around the resignation, including one mentioning the fact thath Judge Anel Alexis Joseph was paid the sum of $300,000 for his resignation. This has not been confirmed.
Other developments involve the ratification of Prime Minister Evans Paul that seems to have difficulties at this time. Some sources revealed that the Lavalas Leader is not in favor of his nomination
Within the first few weeks of the new year, and amidst the current political drama caused by the dissolution of parliament, Haiti's chief justice, Anel Alexis Joseph, tendered his resignation as President of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary. this move came at the end of a set of meetings which lasted the entire day between Haiti's President and senators. His resignation came nearly a month following the recommendation, made by the special committee set up by the President, that he, along with the Prime Minister, resign in order to usher in a new government. For his resignation, it is said Joseph asked for the salary from his remaining 7 years of the term which was to last 9 years.
Read more about anel alexis joseph, cspj, anel alexis joseph president, newsletter, Resignation, Government