Leopold Berlanger, President of the new CEP
Here is a picture of Leopold Berlanger who was elected President of the new CEP..
Councillor Leopold Berlanger (born in Port-au-Prince in 1955), installed on 30 March, 2016, as a member of the new Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) has been elected as the President of the CEP on March 31, 2016, by other members of the council. The task of the new CEP will be to organize good, credible elections in the best conditions and in the shortest possible time, inspiring the confidence of the voters fulfilling all the implementations as per the Constitution. Leopold Berlanger is a graduate in Human Sciences degree on Social Work from Ecole Normale Supérieure of the University of Haiti, Higher Institute of Earth Sciences of the ITC, Netherlands (1980). He is a Doctorate in Sociology (1 St year of a 3rd cycle Doctorate) from the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences at the University Paris V, Sorbonne in France and holds a Certificate in Regional Planning and Development Planning, University Paris I, Sorbonne France (1982). He participates in the management of many institutions and can write and speak Creole, French, English and Spanish.
Read more about Election, cep, (cep), Leopold Berlanger, Election