Protest against Duvalier Regime on the day of Jean Claude Duvalier's Funeral
Here is a picture of some people who took the opportunity to protest against the Duvalier regime on the very same day of the funeral of Jean Claude Duvalier in Haiti.
The group wanted to remind people of the crime this regime has committed in Haiti and how so many families suffered and are still suffering as a consequence
According to some in the protest Duvalier regime was a regime of blood, terror. The regime repressed all forms of expression and freedom in Haiti.
Kreyol Pale, Kreyol Kompran
Gade yon group mou ki te ape proteste Samdi-a pandan fineray Jean Claude Duvalier Nan Por-au-Prince. Moun yo te profite evenman sa pou yo te fe moun sonje ke Divalye regime sa se yon ban kriminel, e ke se pa de ni twa moun yo manje
Read more about Protest, duvalier, Duvalier Crime, newsletter, Duvalier Funeral, Duvalier - Francois and Jean-Claude