Haiti Superior Court of Auditors and Administrative Disputes (CSCCA)
Here is a picture of the Superior Court of Auditors and Administrative Disputes (CSCCA) in Haiti.
Recently, on Monday, May 26, the Superior Court of Auditors and Administrative Disputes (CSCCA) has released a note expressing its denouncement on the campaign of disinformation and denigration accompanied by veiled threats against its reporting about the formal state officials, to the Parliament. However, as per the note, this act or campaign of intimidation will not affect CSCCA's ability and fairness to judge the acceptability of the public accounts, including the audit of records relating to any former ministers and prime ministers. The CSCCA will take all necessary measures to the person involved in the process including their family members. The CSCCA has been working extra time since January to cope with over 40 number cases pending before the court related to the former managers or ministers of public funds who wished to participate in the upcoming elections. Since the former managers and ministers' involvement with the public fund are under their scanner, it is not difficult to apprehend about the source of threats.
Ginot Bonnet, new Director General at the Ministry of Interior
Here is a picture of Mr. Ginot Bonnet who was installed as the new Director General at the Ministry of Interior
The Minister of Interior and Territorial Communities (MICT), Ariel Henry, helped to install new MICT Director General Ginot Bonnet.
Minister Henry urged Bonnet to work together with all actors of MICT to create an environment to support the peaceful holding of upcoming elections.
Bonnet assured Henry and employees and executives of MICT he would acknowledge their ableness and commitment ". . . to strengthen MICT interventions for better services to local government."
Hadrian Cyril Woel, new Secretary of State for Public Security
Here is a picture of the new Secretary of State for Public Security in Haiti, Hadrian Cyril Woel
On Wednesday, April 1, 2015, Pierre-Richard Casimir, the Minister of Justice proceeded with the installation of Hadrian Cyril Woel as the new Secretary of State for Public Security, replacing Colonel Pierre Estanislas Cantave Neptune. He has held his office since April 3, 2014, and has been named as the Coordinator of the National Council for the Fight against Drugs (CONALD). The Minister of Justice while installing the new Secretary of State has reminded him the complexity of the new position, especially in the light of the upcoming election. The Minister has also asked Godson Orélus, the Director General of the National Police of Haiti (PNH) to cooperate and create synergy necessary for maintaining a secure environment in the country. The new Secretary has affirmed his willingness to work ceaselessly with all concerned authority and deliver concrete results for the benefit of the population. The Minister Casimir (MJSP) was further accompanied by the Director General of the Ministry, President of the Municipal Council of Port-au-Prince and the Chief of Staff of the Minister.
New Haitian Cabinet sworn in as President Martelly to runs by decree
The new Haitian Cabinet was sworn in Monday (January 19, 2015) as President Michel Martelly will now run the troubled country without a parliament. A total of 20 ministers and more than a dozen secretaries of state were named and installed in a ceremony at the National Palace.
While President Michel Martelly has sworn in his brand new cabinet, those of the opposition who haven't been placated by the new changes to the political playing field have vowed to continue the protests that call for his immediate resignation. The President began his run in 2011 and is still in office following three years of suspended elections. He is set to leave office next year, but until then, seeing as the term for parliament members passed without a renewal, he will have until that time, free reign, ruling by Presidential decree.
Haiti Government launched Administrative Information Centre (CRA)
Here is a view of the new website launched by the Haitian government that is expected to make life much easier for the public. The Administrative Information Centre (CRA)
Administrative Information Center Delivers Easy-to-Use Experience for Citizens
The Haitian government has implemented a new service for citizens to use public services without getting caught in a bureaucratic maze. Called the Administrative Information Center (CRA), it is a website portal directing users to public services information.
Inter-American Development Bank funded CRA for $900,000 USD. Ronald Decembre, Tax Reform Secretary says CRA adds ". . . to the quality of services offered to the population . . ." Haitian-Canadian company, GENINOV, engineered and built CRA.
Palais des Ministères, Port-au-Prince, HAITI
Even four years after the devastating earthquake in Haiti, the dragging pace of reconstruction is nowhere apparent other than the capital. Too many people died, the National Palace, Palace of the Ministries, many other monuments and important government buildings were severely damaged by the earthquake.
The President has admitted that part of the problem was that some of the promised international aids were never disbursed and a large portion of the money around 42% had been spent on the post-earthquake emergency alone and not for following reconstruction works.
The government has started clearing the old Palace Of Ministry since March 16, 2013; the responsibility has been vested on a Dominican firm ADOM. The five departments of the Palace of Ministries will be reestablished at a cost of $ 65000,000. The first buildings that will be built are the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), the Directorate General of Taxes (DGI) and the General Administration of Customs (AGD). Now there will be only three buildings in the block, viz. MEF, DGI and AGD with parking space and office for some 2,000 employees.