haitian population
The Haitian Population in the Bahamas
A substantial number of immigrant Haitian workers live in the worst condition in Nassau and other shantytowns in Bahamas with limited sewage, without a safe water supply or electricity and any other basic human amenities albeit they found it's a better place than their home country. Most of them work in service sectors. An unofficial estimate suggests that, they consist 10 to 25% of the country's population-- the largest and most visible ethnic minority. But, the majority of them are illegal immigrants. Haitians have been migrating since the 1960s, but the numbers increased considerably in the late 1980s and 1990s. The government of the Bahamas is going to implement a new policy on immigration from November 1, 2014 that says the government will no longer accept any application of work visas from illegal immigrant. Persons without legal status will not be permitted to work in the country anymore and those intending to do so will be will be arrested, charged and deported. Only children of legal immigrants may have access to school and right to work and live. Foreigners living in the Bahamas must have a valid passport of own home country. Bertin Louis. A U.S professor of anthropology considers this new rule creating the fears of persecution and repatriation without any opportunity to claim asylum is "clearly xenophobic".
Martelly Government to issue birth certificate to close to 2 million Haitians
The Haitian government finally has decided to make a headcount of all its citizens. It will soon proceed in the distribution of 2 million birth certificate forms to allow all Haitian citizens without a birth certificate to obtain one. The government will provide this service free of charge. This was made possible, thanks to a Presidential Decree made to address the problem of Haitians without a Birth Certificate in the country
Pawol Pale, Pawol Kompran
Mezanmi, sanble bagay fo laj prale fini an Ayiti.
Afè lè ke yo mande ou laj ou pou kommance konte kombyen rekot kafe ou te ouè, Gouvenman Ayisyen-a vle mete yon prin final nan sa. Trè byentom Gouvenman sa aprale fè distribisyon 2 milyon fòm batistè. Fòm sa yo aprale pèmèt tout sitwayen san batistè jwenn batistè vit epi gratis.
Se yon Dekrè ke Prezidan Michel Martelly passe. Ministè a raple ke anba dekrè sa a, nenpòt moun ki pa janm te gen yon batistè, gen yon peryòd de senk (5) ane pou yo jwein batistè.
Bagay sa kapab rezoud problem
Haiti Census
New Tools to be used for Haiti's 2014 General Census
The government of Haiti's (GOH) National Committee Census Chairman, Wilson Laleau, announced the Fifth General Census of Population and Housing of 2014 will gather information about the population's economic status and the availability of health and education services.
Projected to cost around $26 million dollars, the census will be paid for by the GOH, with support from Brazil and France.
To conduct the census, the GOH will use updated technology, social media, and more appropriate terminology.
Haitian Identification System
Issued upon maturity at age 18 to all Haitians, the National Identification Card is a non-transferable paper that is acceptable nationwide and has an official status. This personal ID card is mainly for identification and is a right of each Haitian. Flaws in the system have made it so that many Haitians are still without their National ID's. Persons wishing to gain their identification papers should contact the National Identification Office, the organization tasked with registering Haitian citizens.