National Carnival 2015, Nou tout se Ayiti
Presentation of queens and kings of Carnival for the National Carnival 2015, Nou tout se Ayiti.
On Sunday, 15 February, President Martelly in the presence of several important ministers and government dignitaries inaugurated the National Carnival 2015 on the theme "Nou tout se Ayiti" (or "We are Haitians") at the National Palace. Minister Raton who is the Minister of Culture and also the Honorary President of the Carnival, took the opportunity to congratulate the Head of the State for his dedication and determination in successfully organizing the biggest cultural event of the country. The President reciprocated his thankfulness to the organizers and revelers for cultivating solidarity and exposing the talents of Haitian artisans. A successful, organized Carnival is helpful in attracting tourists and investment in the country.
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