Palais des Ministères

Palais des Ministères, Port-au-Prince, HAITI

Palais des Ministères, Port-au-Prince, HAITI

Even four years after the devastating earthquake in Haiti, the dragging pace of reconstruction is nowhere apparent other than the capital. Too many people died, the National Palace, Palace of the Ministries, many other monuments and important government buildings were severely damaged by the earthquake.

The President has admitted that part of the problem was that some of the promised international aids were never disbursed and a large portion of the money around 42% had been spent on the post-earthquake emergency alone and not for following reconstruction works.

The government has started clearing the old Palace Of Ministry since March 16, 2013; the responsibility has been vested on a Dominican firm ADOM. The five departments of the Palace of Ministries will be reestablished at a cost of $ 65000,000. The first buildings that will be built are the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), the Directorate General of Taxes (DGI) and the General Administration of Customs (AGD). Now there will be only three buildings in the block, viz. MEF, DGI and AGD with parking space and office for some 2,000 employees.

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