
mission against falsification of visas, passports travel documents

mission against falsification of visas, passports travel documents

Taking into consideration the ongoing problem with falsification of visas, passports and travel documents by many Haitian citizens, the United States and Haiti agree to form a mission to deal with the problem.

Haiti and U.S. Band Together to Fight Travel ID Scams

In an effort to combat counterfeit visas, passports, and other travel IDs, Haitian Justice Minister, Pierre-Richard Casimir, and U.S. Embassy in Haiti Charge d'Affaires, Brian Shukan, joined forces to take preventive action and also investigate such crimes impacting both nations.

Haitians, victims of travel ID scams, whose cases will be heard by Ministry authorities, will help in the prosecution of scammers falsely claiming they are U.S. Consulate representatives.

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60,000 Haitian passports now available

60,000 Haitian passports now available

Haitians will be able to travel once again as new passports just arrived. The Minister of Communication thinks that the people who have been waiting to obtain or to renew their passports will not have to wait any longer. 60,000 passports have been delivered to the Haitian authorities and are now available.

After several weeks of disruption in the supply of passport booklets, finally Mr. Rothchild Francois Junior, the Minister of Communication found some good news to announce... "60,000 passport books are now available". As per his statement, the immigration office will work throughout the weekend to clear every backlog because over 35,000 passport applications are pending. The minister has himself admitted that it is a result of "an act of state's irresponsibility". A new order has been placed to make sure this doesn't happen again. However, as per minister's assurance, the people who have been waiting to obtain or to renew their passports will not have to wait any longer.

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Haitian Identification System

Haitian Identification System

Issued upon maturity at age 18 to all Haitians, the National Identification Card is a non-transferable paper that is acceptable nationwide and has an official status. This personal ID card is mainly for identification and is a right of each Haitian. Flaws in the system have made it so that many Haitians are still without their National ID's. Persons wishing to gain their identification papers should contact the National Identification Office, the organization tasked with registering Haitian citizens.

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New biometric e-passport to help decentralization in haiti

New biometric e-passport to help decentralization in haiti

A new product has been introduced in haiti to help with decentralization. The biometric e-passport has become a reality.
How will the new biometric e-passport help to decentralize the country?

The combined paper and electronic passport will make use of a netwqork centralized in Port-au-Prince.

Minister Paul Antoine Bien-Aimé, remarked that is a great step forward for Haiti as the country is making efforts to decentralize services and enhance the capacity of other major cities in Haiti to provide services.

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The Haitian Passport Of Michel Martelly

The Haitian Passport Of Michel Martelly

The Haitian president has several Haitian passports that he carefully submitted as evidence that he is not a US or Italian citizen as several senators had accused him of.

This passports show that Michel Martelly never renounced of his Haitian nationality

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President Michel Martelly Put On Display Several Haitian Passports

President Michel Martelly Put On Display Several Haitian Passports

The Haitia president has finally come up with the proof that was required to put the issue of his citizenship to rest. Michel Martelly showed several Haitian passports that he has been using over the years to travel

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The Passport Of Michel Martelly

The Passport Of Michel Martelly

In an effort to put an end on the speculation that he might be a foreign citizen, President Michel Martelly showed his Haitian passports to the Haitiaan population on Tursday, March 8, 2012 in front of the US embassador and other religious leaders.

Several passports of the president were put on display to prove that he is Haitian and has maintain his Haitian nationality

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The Passport Of Michel Martelly Prooving His Haitian Citizenship

The Passport Of Michel Martelly Prooving His Haitian Citizenship

There is a chance that with the new discovery of the Haitian passport of Michel Martelly, he will step on the opposition. President Michel Martelly has demonstrated that he is in fact Haitian Tet Kale by showing several Haitian passports that he has collected and traveled with over the years

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The Passport Pf President Michel Martelly Showed He Is Haitian Citizen

The Passport Pf President Michel Martelly Showed He Is Haitian Citizen

With the presentation of several Haitian passports, the Haitian president Michel Martelly wants everyone to know that he is an Haitian and never renounced of his Haitian nationality. This act has for objective to pull the air out of the opposition that has been accusing him of Dual citizenship. President Michel Martelly was accused of being US and Italian citizens

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