Serment des Ancetres

Serment des Ancetres Painting

Serment des Ancetres Painting

Here is a picture of the Famous Haitian painting Serment des Ancetres.

This artwork was produced in 1822 by artist Guillaume Guillon-Lethière (1760-1830). , the painting "Serment des Ancêtres". This painting is considered as symbolism of the historic meeting between Alexandre Petion and general Jean-Jacques Dessalines

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Serment des Ancetres or Oath of the Ancestors Painting

Serment des Ancetres or Oath of the Ancestors Painting

What you are looking at is a piece of history or Haitian History. The painting Serment des Ancetres or Oath of the Ancestors Painting.

The story of the painting is quite interesting. This work is a testament to the solidarity demonstration of the painter Guillaume Guillon-Lethière (1760-1830) towards the young Republic of Haiti.

This painting was offered to Haiti: clandestinely transported by his son, he came to Port-au-Prince in March 1823.

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