RE: Haitians Waiting To Go On The Field To Cut Sugar Cane In Batey - Dominican Republic

Neg Miserne - October 15 2014, 6:38 AM

Modern day slavery.

That's exactly what the US wanted when they abolished the plantation of sugar cane in Haiti and closed all the usines.

But, those same people would refuse to work in a plantation in haiti.

It is also a mental thing.

Therefore, I'm not blaming the white men. It is us who are too stupid.

We are the one to be blame.

Well, it is said in the bible, that, we black people should be servant and slave to the others race. Otherwise, why are we so stupid?

Regardless whether you are intelligent, well educated and speak the languages in the world as claimed by Aristide, the master of all ignorant.

See the related photo:

Haitians Waiting To Go On The Field To Cut Sugar Cane In Batey - Dominican Republic

Here is a picture of several haitians lining on the road in a Dominican road. They are waiting for a bus that is...

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