Cuba and Haiti
Haiti can always count on Cuba, Raul Castro
These famous words pronounced by Raul Castro in commemoration of Haiti 210 years independence. "We will not forget this remarkable historical coincidence that today 1. January - 210 years - the first revolution triumphed in the Latin American and Caribbean region, which was also the first and only victory of the revolutionary movement led by black slaves who fought against this odious system and both the national independence".
Cuban medical teams have played a great role in treating Haiti's earthquake victims. Cuban Medical Internationalism is a Cuban programme, (since the Cuban Revolution in 1959, as part of Fidel Castro's international medical mission) of sending Cuban medical personnel overseas, particularly to Latin America. They were the first to arrive in Haiti with several hundred health personnel. The Cubans, immediately after the earthquake, had set up medical camps among the debris and revamped the collapsed hospital facilities very quickly. The Cuban doctors, nurses, and other health personnel had worked day and night non-stop, Operating rooms were opened 18 hours a day. However, it is a striking fact that there was little mention in the media that Cuba had sent several hundred health personnel on the ground before any other country. Dr Mirta Roses, the director of the Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO) who acted as the coordinator between the Cuban doctors, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and a host of health sector NGOs, had described the aid provided by Cuban doctors was "excellent and marvelous". In the recent past, a medical brigade of 1,200 Cubans has operated all over the earthquake-torn and cholera-infected Haiti. They have treated over 30,000 cholera patients (around 40% of the total cholera patients) in Haiti. Since 1998, Cuba has trained 550 Haitian doctors for free at the Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina en Cuba (Elam). Presently another 400 students are receiving free medical education in Cuba.
Michel Martelly in a meeting with his Cuban counterpart Raúl Castro
Here is a picture of Haitian President Michel Martelly in a meeting with his Cuban counterpart Raúl Castro
President Martelly met with President Castro as recently as May of 2014. This time, the Haitian leader was on an official tour of Cuba, and was accompanied by Pierre-Richard Casimir, his foreign affairs advisor, as well as the Minister of Health, Florence Duperval, who thanked the Cuban delegation for their aid in training Haitian medical professional. This too was a propitious line-up, as Minister Duperval would be named Acting Prime Minister after Former Prime Minister Lamothe was recently forced out of office.
A testament to the good relations between the two countries is the role played by the Haitian President in helping Cuba mend its relations with the United States.
Rene Preval Awards Cuban Medical Brigade For Helping Haiti
Here is a picture representing the good relationship that exists between Cuba and haiti.
In April, 2011, Haitian president Rene Preval has awarded Haiti most prestigious award to the Cuban Medical Brigade. The award was granted to the Cuban Medical Brigade in recognition for their services to the Haitian population.
President of Haiti Michel Martelly in Visit to Cuba and Castro
The relationship between Cuba and Haiti has never been better than for the past several years. The first official visit of Michel Martelly to Cuba will solidify that relationship. Cuba has been the leader in Haiti providing healthcare and other services to the people.
The Government of Haiti can not even begin to thank Raul and Fidel Castro for their generosity in providing medical teamsto help Haiti fight the Cholera epidemic and other medical issues.
Before anything else, The Martelly's government needs to demonstrate to the Cuban people that Haitians are greatful for that.
Rene Preval awards Cuban Medical Brigade for services in Haiti
Here is a picture of the devoted Cuban Medical Brigade as they are arriving in Haiti.
Cuban Medical teams have been making a major difference in Haiti since 1998, since the government of Jean-Bertrand Aristide. They have been all over haiti providing necessary medical services to the population. The 2010 Haiti earthquake has made their presence even more important in Haiti.
Raúl Castro and Michel Martelly
Here is a picture of the Cuban President Raúl Castro with the Haitian President Michel Martelly during the funeral of Nelson Mandela.
Recently, on the occasion of the 210 anniversary of Haitian independence and also the 55th anniversary of the revolution, Raul Castro stated that Cuba will never leave the Haitian people alone and that we can always count on their modest collaboration
Historic handshake between Obama and Raul Castro
Here is a picture quite memorable, the historic handshake between Barack Obama and Raul Castro.
This day is historic in many ways: one it is the day of the funeral for one of the greatest leaders in world, Nelson Mandela. It is also the day so many leaders in the world are gathered in one place. However, one of the events that will be in the news media for a while is this historical handshake. Is this the handshake that finally mark the end of the cold war?
I think Raul Castro was as surprised as the next person to the unexpected gesture of President Barack Obama. He smiled when Barack Obama shook hands on his way to the podium at the Soccer City Stadium of Johannesburg
Creole Choir Of Cuba - Haitian Migrants Descendants
Here is a famous group originated in Cuba with Haitian root. Creole Choir of Cuba was founded in 1994 and had already traveled the world. They are comprised of Haitian migrants descendants and sing mainly in the Haitian creole language. The 12 member group has been a success and is very popular all over the world
Haiti Senate voted for the lifting of the blockade against Cuba
An unanimous resolution was voted upon by the Haitian Senate on November 5th 20100 for the unconditional lifting of the economic, commercial and financial blockade on Cuba by the United States.
Noting that a lifting of the Cuban Blockage would have a positive impact on the Caribbean region, the Senate stated that it would facilitate the movement of people, goods and currencies. The Haitian lawmakers also mentioned that changing this anti-Cuban policy would help in other areas such as technology, science, culture and sport to name just a few