Anthony Barbier

Picture of Liliane Pierre-Paul, Anthony Barbier, Marvel Dandin

Picture of Liliane Pierre-Paul, Anthony Barbier,  Marvel Dandin

Here is a picture of Liliane Pierre-Paul, husband Anthony Barbier and Marvel Dandin.

The sheer determination and commitment of Liliane Pierre-Paul as a journalist has made her the most outspoken critic of the government since the final days of the Duvalier regime. Her bold reporting curtailed the Pierre-Paul's movement, she was imprisoned for her views on governments, faced numerous death threats and she was on several hit lists. Liliane was even forced to move on a six-year exile in Venezuela and Curacao-- but she never chose to remain silent. Her devotion helped her to win the 'Courage Journalism Award' in 1990. On February 18, 2016, Anthony Barbier has been installed as the Secretary General of the National Palace, replacing Jean Renel Sanon. M Barber holds a Masters in Sociology of development and a PhD in Education. He has held many important government portfolios, such as Chief of Staff of the Minister of Education (1990-1991), Minister of Administration and the Civil Service (1994-1995), Deputy Coordinator of the National Commission for Administrative Reform (CNRA) in the Government of Haiti (1996-2001), Consultant to the Ministry of Culture and Communication (1998-2001), and Member of Cabinet of the Minister of Public Health (2007-2008). Marvel Dandin is a revered journalist, expert political analyst and the Director General and co-owner of the Radio TV Kiskeya. He developed his skills as a reporter under Michele Montas who is one of the most celebrated radio journalists of our time and a leading UN spokesperson.

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Anthony Barbier, general secretary of the National Palace

Anthony Barbier, general secretary of the National Palace

Here is a picture of Haitian sociologist Anthony Barbier, general secretary of the National Palace.

In a memo dated February 22, 2016, Anthony Barbier has informed all the former administrative members of the National Palace, who is holding government vehicles belonging to the National Palace and using for personal or unauthorized purposes, to return them to the National Palace car park within the next 72 hours of the memo issued. He has also advised on the restricted use of tinted glass, sirens and strobes on cars.

Jean Renel Sanon has served as the Minister of Justice and Public Security, Dean and Chief Prosecutor of Port-au-Prince's Civil Court. Recently, following the departure of former President Martelly on February 7th, there were reports of looting at the official residence of the president. Jean Renel Sanon, as the then Secretary General of the National Palace categorically denied such reports and had said that the property of the republic is intact.

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