Pastor creates reusable diaper to help children in Haiti
Here is a simple but major invention that is supposed to improve sanitary living condition in Haiti. A Pastor creates reusable diaper to help children in Haiti.
Michael Wahl has a mission to ensure clean and healthy living for people living in the developing nations. When Pastor Michael Wahl witnessed how the infants and toddlers in the underdeveloped villages in Haiti openly poop in the house and how such waste is disposed unhygienically, he recognized some of the leading causes of uncontrolled spread of diseases like dysentery, cholera, typhus fever and typhoid. Earlier, he had worked on some projects to provide filtered water to some dry areas in Haiti. Now he realized that having clean water alone would not solve Haiti's problems with sanitation. He decided that something needed to be done to eliminate the open pooping of the infants in the house, He along with his wife Starla, created a reusable diaper called DriButts (the name of his NGO) in partnership with Slingshot(r) Product. These long lasting diapers include a super absorbent bamboo cloth liner with natural anti-microbial properties. During Michael's last visit to Haiti in the early September, he has distributed 720 reusable DriButts Diapers to 360 rural area families-- --- enough for an infant for two years. Wahl will return to Haiti in December with more diapers.
Read more about Health, Child, Sanitation, diaper, Health