What to expect after a Flood in Haiti

What to expect after a Flood in Haiti

What To Expect After A Flood In Haiti

Thousands of families in Haiti and the neighboring Dominican Republic have been displaced by flooding during a week long heavy rains and cluster of storms in the northern Caribbean. As per Haiti's Department of Civil Protection, near a dozen civilians have lost their lives, at least 6,000 families were flooded with the destruction of minimum 66 homes, a vast number of crops have been damaged, and many livestock were killed in Northern Haiti. Mudslides from the mountains have pushed many houses to no where. Since most of the disaster has gone unnoticed on the international scene, very few aid groups have come up to help. The Haitian Prime Minister has released US$741,718.50, as a fund for relief to Cap Haitien. Issues of food, water and shelter are now a much bigger problem than clothes and medicine. "For HAITI With Love", a Palm Harbor, Florida based organization is exhibiting the service of God's love--they are feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, healing the sick and providing shelter to the homeless.

Here is a list of thing that you can expect after a flood in Haiti:


Homes flooded

Latrine overflow with feces everywhere

Mudslides, houses slipping off the mountain

Dead Animals representing a Health hazard

Vast number of crops damaged and livestock killed

Since people cook on charcoal, they are unable to cook

Watch out for animals that might have entered with the floodwaters

Some people will be missing as they are taken by the running water

Old home become unstable as seating water ruining their foundation

Many survivors will be displaced without food, water, clothes, electricity

Water level still increasing after rain as it's draining from the mountains

Read more about Cholera, flood, flooding, mudslides, street flooding, home flooded, haiti flooded homes, flooded homes, Cap-Haitian Flooding, Bathroom, Latrine, Water - Flood

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