dauphin plantation
What is left of Dauphin Plantation in Fort Liberte, Haiti
Here is a picture of a building in Fort Liberte that was served to house Sisal from the Dauphin Plantation in Fort Liberte, Haiti.
At the Time, there was a good demand for sisal worldwide and it was very profitable to get into this business.
The plantation of sisal covered what is to be known now as Bay Plantation. The area covered Lake Romeo all the way to the mountains and then northwest to the ocean with the western boundary along the river that flows by Terrier Rouge.
As sudden decrease in the prise of sesal in the world market forced the project to close
By the beginning of World War II, Haiti had a huge plantation of sisal which was estimated at around 13,500 acres
The History of plantation Dauphin in Fort Liberte
In February 1926, Andre De Coppet, a wealthy Wall Street financier decided to produce sisal in Haiti.This is a fiber useful for products like rope and binder twine and Haiti soil and climate was ideal for it, he decided to grow it in the area around the city of Fort Liberty.
During the 1950's, the world market price for sisal fiber declined to reach an all time low in 1970. Plantation Dauphin was losing money. Finally, it was closed
Dauphin Plantation In Caracol Major Producer Of Production Of Sisal And Fiber Rope
What you are looking at is a building that was used by Dauphin Plantation in North of Haiti for the production of Sisal and Fiber Rope.
Since Dauphin Plantation was the main employer of the region of Caracol and the entire North section of Haiti, when the company closed, the entire region suffered.
Dauphin Plantation In The 19th Century, Making Sisal And Fiber Rope In Caracol
Here is a picture of an industry that was at one time the life line of Haiti. At the turn of the 19th century,Dauphin Plantation was the largest employer in Haiti, providing jobs to over two thousands people. Many people still remember today how things were in the region when the company was in existance.
The economy of Caracol was booming. Most of the job involved the pressing of Sisal Plants for the production of fiber ropes and other products.
Dauphin Plantation Considered First Industrial Park In North Of Haiti, Producing Sisal And Fiber Rope
Caracol Industrial Park is not considered the first industrial park in North of Haiti or even in Caracol. Dauphin Plantation was the first, specialized in the production of Sisal and Fiber Rope
At the beginning of the 19th century, Dauphin Plantation was the largest employer in Haiti, providing jobs to over two thousands people. Most of the job involved the pressing of Sisal Plants for the production of fiber ropes and other products.