Francisco Rene
Me Francisco René no longer Prosecutor of Port-au-Prince
Me Francisco René who recently replaced Me Lucmane Delille in office as the Prosecutor of Port-au-Prince received his revocation on November 27, 2013.
Me Francisco René was the 9th Commissioner of Government under President Michel Martelly.
He followed a long list of Commissioner of Government like Me Lucmane Délille, Me Jean-Claude Dabrésil, Me Elco Saint-Amant, Renel Sénatus, Harrycidas Auguste, Sonel Jean François, Félix Léger and Lionel Constant Bourgouin.
since October 30, 2012. An appointment that has already attracted the protest even before the installation of the new Commissioner.
His appointment in the post caused controversy and finally he was obligated to leave
Justice Minister Jean Renel Sanon Stands appointed Francisco Rene
Minister of Justice, Jean Renel Sanon, appointed Francisco René the new Port-au-Prince Chief Prosecutor despite protest by Carlos Hercules, Law Societies President.
Hercules points out René is unfit to serve as Chief Prosecutor because every government post he has held scandal has followed him. The Haitian Bar Association has tried to disbar him without success.
Hercules mailed Sanon, stating his objections to Francisco Rene's appointment. Sanon says he will uphold René's appointment because he "brings order and I appreciate his work."