Francois Capois
General Francois Capois, Capoix-la-Mort
History reported that Haitian General Francois Capois, Capoix-la-Mort mounted on his great horse, led his brigade despite storms of bullets from Vertieres forts. During the process, his horse was hit by a cannon and fell. General Francois Capois, Capoix-la-Mort took his sword and ran again to the head of his soldiers shouting always "Forward! Forward".
Scene from The Battle of Vertieres
Here is a picture of a scene from The Battle of Vertieres that actually gave Haiti its independence. The Battle of Vertières was the last major battle of the Haitian War for Independence. This constituted the final part of the Haitian Revolution. This Battle of Vertieres near Cap-Haitian is considered to be the decisive battle