Fuel Briquette

Fuego del Sol's Affordable Cooking Method

Fuego del Sol's Affordable Cooking Method

Fuego del Sol (FDS) has partnered with International Lifeline Fund to market a new cooking fuel. Instead of expensive charcoal, paper briquettes use recycled paper, cardboard, and farmland waste to create this cooking method.

FDS has sold 200,000-plus briquettes to the World Food Program. And it has claimed the rescue of 8,000 trees from decimation.

The Haiti school system is a market segment FDS wants to convert to its sustainable practice, which will bring the rest of the island with it.

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Fuego del Sol Introduces Green Cooking Solution

Fuego del Sol Introduces Green Cooking Solution

Fuego del Sol (FDS) is providing an option to cutting down trees for cooking fuel. Estimates of deforestation in Haiti run as high as 96%. Deforestation causes exposed topsoil to be washed away during storms, leeching minerals from the ground and ruining crops.

FDS produces clean-burning fuel from recycled paper products as well as green stoves. Confident once institutions have experienced the benefits of this alternative cooking method, word will spread around the island.

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An Innovative Answer to Haiti's Fuel Problem

An Innovative Answer to Haiti's Fuel Problem

Haiti has a serious environmental problem, deforestation. Great quantities of forestland have been decimated to provide fuel for cooking needs. Non-profit International Lifeline Fund (ILF) has an answer.

They have designed a stove that will burn recycled paper molded into briquettes. Not only will it decrease using wood for fuel, it will also curb rampant waste.

ILF will market briquettes and green stoves to both citizens and businesses. ILF will next erect a paper-briquette-producing plant on the island.

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