Hospital Eliazar Germain, Petion-Ville
The Hospital Eliazar Germain located on the Rue Panaméricaine was completely destroyed by a fire in April 2002. Like a phoenix it has reborn from own ashes. It is the first public hospital in the county that offers four main basic facilities: Pediatric, Gynecology/Obstetrics, Internal Medicine and Surgery. The hospital provides support to its peripheral health centers so that the residents of the Petionville do not have to travel far for necessary access to health care. The institution with its 52 years of existence, is equipped with 45 beds, 24 hours surgical facilities, pharmacy with all essential drugs, outpatient treatment facilities, diagnostic service and treatment through radiology.
Hospital Eliazar Germain is supervised by Mr. Jean Prophète Batichon and can be contacted at Rue Panaméricaine, Pétionville (Telephone 3754-4017).
More Hospitals in the Petion-Ville area:
Clinique Maternité de Pétion-Ville
Clinique Chirurgicale Lambert Sante, Pétionville
Hospital De Fermathe (Baptist Mission)
Hospital Eliazar Germain, Petion-Ville
Hospital de la Communauté Haïtienne, Pétionville
PULMOMED-24 Hour Life Support
Read more about Health, health care, petion-ville, Emergency, Health