Clinique Chirurgicale Lambert Sante, Pétion-ville

Clinique Chirurgicale Lambert Sante, Pétion-ville

"Clinical Surgery at Lambert Sante" at Petionville provides the best health care services to the Haitian people and it is capable to handle most serious medical cases. It is a collaborative clinical facility in association with other neighboring hospitals including Canapé-Vert and Communaute Haïtienne. The institution is a recipient of Merit Certificate from the Haitian Ministry of Public Heath and Population for its immense medical services to the 2010 earthquake victims. Their regular services include: (a) Private consultation (between 9am - 3pm) on orthopedics, trauma, gynecology, obstetrics, urology and odontology, and (b) Other services like laboratory (8 am to 4 pm), pharmacy, treatments and investigations on all types of pathological processes, such as, radiology, maternity, surgery, microsurgery, cardiac surgery, burn and emergency care.

Clinical Surgery at Lambert Sante is open day and night (24 hrs). The consultation fee starts from 1,500 Gourdes depending upon the doctor you choose to visit. Surgical fee depends upon the type of surgery is needed. Contact: Clinique Chirurgicale Lambert Santé: # 75, Rue Lambert, Pétion-Ville, Haïti. Phone: (509) 3706-8306 / (509) 4651-9435 and (509) 3702-3646.

Other Medical facilities in the area:
Departement Ouest, Petion-Ville:
Clinique Maternité de Pétion-Ville
Hospital De Fermathe (Baptist Mission)
Hospital Eliazar Germain, Petion-Ville
Hospital de la Communauté Haïtienne, Pétionville
PULMOMED-24 Hour Life Support

Read more about Health, health care, petion-ville, hospital, Emergency, General Hospital, Health

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