Hospital Saint-Michel de Jacmel
On October 4th, 2012, the Japanese Ambassador to Haiti, Mr. Kenji Kuratomi forwarded a grant agreement with Haiti for US$17 million for the reconstruction of the departmental public hospital, Saint-Michel de Jacmel as part of the Haitian-Japanese bilateral cooperation. The Japanese Ambassador had declared that through the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), his government would construct the main building of the hospital which would consists rooms for consulting services, emergency department, radiology department, operating rooms, maternity and pediatric sections. Modern equipments for the hospital would also be provided by his government. On a tripartite agreement between Japan, Morocco and Haiti, medical staff would be trained with modern obstetric and neonatal emergency techniques.
Rue Exina Gilles - Jacmel, Haiti
3666-3313/ 3463-2648
Other medical facilities in Departement Sud-est, near Hospital Saint-Michel de Jacmel:
Centre Hospitalier Christian Martinez
Read more about jacmel, hospital, Emergency, Health