Hospital Universite D'Etat D'Haiti
On August 1, 2013, the Haitian government in the presence of the U.S., French and Spanish Ambassadors had signed a US$ 41.48 million contract with the International Health Group for Haiti for the reconstruction of the Hôpital de l'Université d'Etat D'Haiti or Haitian State University Hospital (HUEH). The agreement was part of a US$ 83.2 million project to reestablish HUEH where the U.S Government would spend US$ 33.2 million, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) US$ 25 million and the French Government through the Agence Française de Développement US$ 25 million. Preliminary tasks involved in the project were demolition and removal of debris, assessment of the soundness of the undamaged structure of the building and rehabilitation and improvement of emergency services like hospital maternity ward and emergency room. In compliance with the hurricane and paraseismic resistance regulations, the new Hôpital de l'Université d'Etat D'Haiti will have 534 beds by 2016 and its quality of healthcare service will be improved through staff training and right governance. The origin of this hospital dates back to the days of King Christophe's creation of the Royal Academy in 1815. The present faculty that exists today was first established as a private institution in 1902 till it got recognition as a public university in 1905. In 1995, a new private Catholic university welcomed its first class medical students and it became the only medical school in Haiti.
Additional Hospitals in the Port-au-Prince area:
Centre Hospitalier Du Sacre Coeur
Diquini Hospital - (Adventist Hospital)
Hopital Asile Francais d'Haiti
Hospital Bernard Mevs
Hospital de la Trinité,
Hospital de Canapé Vert, Port-au-Prince
Hospital Saint-Damien (Nos Petits Frères et Soeurs), Tabarre
Hospital Saint-François de Sales
Hospital St Louis(Doctors without borders (MSF), French)
Read more about hospital, Hospital Universite D'Etat D'Haiti, Health