Insecurity in Haiti or crime level
Insecurity in Haiti
Although hundreds of thousands of U.S citizens safely visit Haiti each year, but as per Report dated December 4, 2014, the U.S Department of State has issued travel warning to U.S citizens traveling or living in Haiti on the following grounds: (a) lack of adequate emergency medical facilities, (b) weak emergency response infrastructure, and (c) to remain aware of the possibility of robbery, especially in the Port-au-Prince area and in particular soon after leaving the airport. The most frequently reported crimes against Americans in Port-au-Prince are aggravated assaults, kidnappings, and robberies. However, it is an established fact that the crime rate in Haiti is generally lower than many of its neighboring countries, although sometimes it is prevalent in earthquake survivor camps. Illegal drug trade often instigates crimes among Haitians, but foreigners also sometimes get victimized. It is a common allegation that the Haitian police are understaffed, poorly equipped and unable to respond to most calls for assistance. Many residents do not report assaults, rape, and other crime because of lingering, apathy, and corruption.
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