Jean Hector ANACACIS
Jean Hector Anacacis
Here is a picture of Jean Hector Anacacis.
In the November 28, 2010 election, Anacacis Jean Hector (born July 20th, 1955) was a presidential candidate from the MODEJHA banner (Democratic Movement of Haitian Youth). Three months before the election, while announcing his intention to run in the November presidential election (without naming the banner, but he mentioned it was other than Fanmi Lavalas) in an interview Hector said if he wins the election, he would offer "total guarantee of immunity to Rene Preval and his wife Elisabeth Debrosse'-- from arrest or deportation in charges of corruption and illegal use of public funds. Then he was a Senator of the Ouest Department, he justified his participation in the presidential contest as, because the INITE party failed to select a candidate after 3 weeks long internal fighting and hypocrisy. Despite privileged relations with the then President Rene Préval, Hector was very much critical of Préval's administration. Presently, as a coordinator of the Jude Celestine's LAPEH party (Ligue Alternative pour le Progres et L'Emancipation Haitienne), he is not interested to team up with Préval anymore because he considers the "great master of truth" is not with us for his policy choice.
This famous quote " TOUT MOUN JWENN" was stated by Haitian Senator Jean Hector ANACACIS in a Radio Station in the Haitian Capital. According to the Senator, Laurent Lamothe paid all members of the Legislative branch in order to receive a favorable vote to become Prime Minister of Haiti.
Prior to the vote to ratify Laurent Lamothe as Prime Minister, many members of both houses took the position that they would not vote to ratify this nomination on the ground that Lamothe was not qualified to become Prime Minister. many cited that he did not meet the citizenship and residency requirement. However, the actual vote reflected something totally different than those prior positions
Following the votes, Senator Jean Hector ANACACIS admitted that all members of the legislative branch were given money or they receive favors in order to vote for the nomination of Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe. In another way, according to the Senator of West" TOUT MOUN JWENN", or everyone received something for their vote. Some rumors estimated that Laurent Lamothe gave each senator $400,000 us, while others had friends and relatives nominated in various position in the Haitian diplomacy.