Lycée Toussaint Louverture in Rue Saint-Honore

Lycée Toussaint Louverture in Rue Saint-Honore

Here is Lycée Toussaint Louverture in Rue Saint-Honore.

Vocational training in Haiti is given at different levels between the second half of secondary school and the first half of the university. It includes trainings on technical or professional education, housework or professional skills. General secondary education consists of a three-year basic cycle and a four-year upper cycle that leads to a baccalaureate (baccalauréat, or the equivalent of the high school diploma) and possible university matriculation.

'Lycee Toussaint Louverture 'was founded in 1946, during the rule of the government of Dumarsais Estime. The name of Toussaint Louverture was chosen for the school because that great Haitian liberator during his lifetime fought for equality and his name represents the aspirations of people everywhere seeking freedom and justice.

Read more about school, Lycées Toussaint Louverture, Education

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