Marc Antoine Acra
Who is Marc Antoine ACRA?
Here are several pictures of the Haitian businessman Marc Antoine ACRA.
Marc Antoine Acra, as the Director General of the company categorically rejected this statement as derogatory rumors and said an American freight company chartering boats for NABATCO receives payments of the freight and is fully responsible for the contents of the cargo loaded on the ships. These cargoes were accepted under the supervision of Colombian port authorities, checked by the narcotics control authorities and the security service before leaving the port of Buenaventura. NABATCO is nothing more than a vessel owner, and cannot be held responsible for any act performed beyond the limits its knowledge.
Danton, as the new Government Commissioner, has issued travel interdiction for several individuals, including Alix Celestin on the belief that it could bring light on the matter. There was a single contract between the State and NABATCO valuing between 700 and 800 million gourdes, but that was awarded without any tender. The act of Mr. Alix Célestin was beyond his authority as there was no proper tender that allowed Acra to carry the load aboard Vessel Manzanares. The ship with a Panamanian flag as per declaration was supposed to carry a cargo of sugar for NABATCO commissioned by the company of Marc Antoine Accra. Marc Antoine Acra is a member of the powerful Acra business family in Haiti.
Travel interdiction for Marc Antoine Acra and Alix Celestin
Danton Léger issued a departure prohibition against Marc Antoine Acra and Alix Celestin.
As per popular radio station Scoop FM report dated April 5, 2016, the new Government Commissioner, Jean Danton Léger has imposed a travel ban on Marc Antoine Acra & Alix Celestin in respect of a seizure of drugs about one year ago (77 kilos of cocaine and 10 kilos of heroin, valuing about three million wholesale and ten million dollars retail) found in a cargo of sugar coming from Colombia belonging to the businessman known as Marc Antoine Accra. The ship 'Manzanares' belonging to Acra's company NABATCO was docked at the Mevs Wharf (port) in Haiti on April 15, 2015. Manzanares, (113.3 m x 16.4 m) was anchored in the bay of Port-au-Prince alongside two other boats. In reply to his travel interdiction, Marc Anthoine Acra has said, the words of advocating transparency and justice from a Government Commissioner representing a transitional government reminds him of the dictatorial regime of Duvalier-- full of arbitrary acts and anarchism. Danton's investigation reveals that Alix Celestin, the Director of the National Port Authority is also a partner in crime with Marc Acra.
Government Commissioner Danton Léger creating general panic
In just a few weeks in his position, the new Government Commissioner Danton Léger is creating problem for some members of the Martelly government.
After issuing a travel ban to Marc Antoine Acra and Alix Célestin, he then targeted the former Minister of Economy and Finance Wilson Laleau, the son of the president, Olivier Martelly, the former adviser and close friend of Michel Martelly, Ronald (Roro) Nelson
Agreement Marc Antoine Acra of NABATCO and Haiti Government
On December 9, 2015 the Ministry of Agriculture in Haiti entered into an agreement with businessman Marc Antoine Acra where his business NABATCO where would have the right to sell and distribute the product "VITAZYME" to allow Haitian farmers to farm. Marc Antoine Acra believes that his product is going to help growers and farmers to get better results.
Haitian Businessman Marc Antoine Acra after cocaine and heroine incident
Here is a picture of Haitian Businessman Marc Antoine Acra.
On Wednesday, April 15, 2015, one of the vessel (MANZANARES) of the twenty years old sugar importing company NABATCO was seized with 77 kilos of cocaine and 10 kilos of heroin. However, in response, the Director General M Marc Antoine Acra of the company categorically rejected this statement as derogatory rumors and has said that NABATCO is in the sugar trade for over twenty years and they are managing the global sugar export business with excellent reputation and track record. His vessels carrying cargos of sugar do not belong to his company. A Freight American company chartering boats for NABATCO receives payments of the freight and is fully responsible for the contents of the cargo loaded on the ships. These cargos are accepted under the supervision of Colombian port authorities, checked by the narcotics control authorities and the security service before leaving the port of Buenaventura. NABATCO is nothing more than a vessel owner, and cannot be held responsible for any act performed beyond the limits its knowledge.