
Maternity SONUB of Thiotte

Maternity SONUB of Thiotte

Sophia Martelly, First Lady, appeared at Maternity SONUB Thiotte inauguration, and at Center for Obstetric Care of Banane's relaunch. Her second visit to Thiotte, she promised to continue advocating to lower maternal and infant death events.

She encouraged medical personnel at Thiotte to use the reference library to educate Haitian women on pregnancy care and birth preparation. At the Banane ceremony she emphasized the necessity of deciding on a birth control method to stop unwanted pregnancies.

First communal section of Anse-à Pitre - Thiotte, Haiti

More Hospitals:
Clinique Maternité de Pétion-Ville
Clinique Chirurgicale Lambert Sante, Pétionville
Hospital De Fermathe (Baptist Mission)
Hospital Eliazar Germain, Petion-Ville
Hospital de la Communauté Haïtienne, Pétionville
PULMOMED-24 Hour Life Support

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Maternity Center Isaie Jeanty

Maternity Center Isaie Jeanty

Isaie Jeanty Women's Hospital is located in the slum of Cite Soleil. It is a maternity hospital not equipped to handle the women it admits due to a bed shortage. The hospital doesn't even have a kitchen.

Non-profit Outside the Bowl made a deal with the Haitian government to build a Super Kitchen. The government will provide the property gratis and OTB will feed hospital staff and patients as well as provide to other food programs in Cite Soleil.

Boulevard Jean-Jacques Dessalines - Port-au-Prince, Haiti

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