michel martelly inauguration

Michel Martelly Inauguration

Michel Martelly Inauguration

Here is a picture of the inauguration. This is a Bill Clinton at Michel Martelly Inauguration

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Michel Martelly Inauguration

Michel Martelly Inauguration

Here is a picture of the inauguration. This is a view where President Michel Martelly waved hands to the crowd that was waiting for him

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Michel Martelly Inauguration

Michel Martelly Inauguration

Here is a picture of the inauguration. This is a view of the people who were in attendance at the ceremony. Solemn Mass followed by Te Deum on the lawn of the National Palace

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Michel Martelly Inauguration - Archbishop Louis K Breau Of Cap-Hatien

Michel Martelly Inauguration - Archbishop Louis K Breau Of Cap-Hatien

Here is a picture of the inauguration. Archbishop Louis K breau of Cap-Hatien presided in front of Dignitaries. He was the main speaker at the event

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Michel Martelly Inauguration - National Palace

Michel Martelly Inauguration - National Palace

Here is a picture of the inauguration. Preparation work for the Martelly Inauguration at the National Palace

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Michel Martelly Inauguration

Michel Martelly Inauguration

Here is a picture of the inauguration. This is a view inside of the new Temporary place for the senators and deputies. At the National Assembly, all the Senators and Deputies ere patiently waiting for Michel Martelly

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Michel Martelly Inauguration

Michel Martelly Inauguration

Here is a picture of the inauguration. This is a view of Rene Preval and Michel Martelly during the transfer fof power. They were sharing a laught and were accopanied with First lady Elizabeth Debrosse Delatour

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Michel Martelly Inauguration - Presidential Sash Was Transterred

Michel Martelly Inauguration - Presidential Sash Was Transterred

Here is a picture of the inauguration. in this picture, presidential sash was transterred to Michel Martelly in the dark as blackout during process

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