Pitit Desalin

Assad Volcy and President Jocelerme Privert at the National Palace

Assad Volcy and President Jocelerme Privert at the National Palace

Here is a picture of Assad Volcy from Pitit Desalin and the New Provisional President Jocelerme Privert at the National Palace.

Assad Volcy, the General Secretary of the Haitian party Pitit Dessalines, was one of the Martelly's strongest oppositions who never wanted to settle for anything less than the resignation of President Michel Martelly. On 23 December 2015, he even rejected the new Electoral Assessment Commission created by Martelly after the postponement of October 25, 2015 election. When Privert took charge as the provisional president and called private sector representatives, the personalities of the Lavalas movement and the irascible opponents of Michel Martelly at the National Palace to build a national consensus to continue the election, Assad was looking like a victorious soldier. He said, the country is entering a "new political dynamic."Jocelerme Privert has made required commitments to the Audit Commission to complete the electoral process. The crisis would be resolved. Assad believes, for those who want justice, the transitional government would shed light on the management of Martelly administration.

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Daly Valet selected as campaign manager for Moise Jean Charles

Daly Valet selected as campaign manager for Moise Jean Charles

Here is a picture of Presidential Candidate under the Platform Pitit Desalin, Moise Jean Charles and his campaign Manager, Daly Valet.

It was about six months ago that Daly Valet, the star reporter of Radio Vision 2000 had announced his support for the "Pitit Dessalines" and had informed that he would endorse none other than the leader of the Platform Pitit Dessalines. Recently an agreement has been signed between Valet and Moise Jean Charles, the leader and a candidate for the presidential run under the banner of Platform Pitit Desalin. As per the terms of the agreement Moise would provide all logistical, financial and manpower supports necessary for accomplishing Valet's mission as campaign manager. Both parties to the agreement will make plans and take strategic decision, jointly within the framework of the campaign. Valet will be responsible for planning and coordinating all campaign operations of Moses throughout the country. Valet's responsibility will terminate with the final announcement of the presidential election result.

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Daly Valet joined Platfom Pitit Desalin to consolidate Dessaliniene ideology

Daly Valet joined Platfom Pitit Desalin to consolidate Dessaliniene ideology

Here is a picture of Journalist Daly Valet as he joined Platfom Pitit Desalin to consolidate Dessaliniene ideology

Platfom Pitit Desalin to Create Dessaliniene Ideology

Daly Valet, a journalist, wants to try something unprecedented by creating an ideology for Platfom Pitit Desalin. He is meeting with ex-senators Gabriel Fortune and Turneb Delpe, ex-First Lady Mirlande Manigat, and attorneys Michel Andre and Samuel Madistin for discussions.

In Haiti political ideologies don't exist. Political parties build their structures around social networking and friends instead. This year 165 political parties will be involved in the 2015 in general and presidential elections.

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Daly Valet with plateforme Pitit Dessalines and Moise Jean Charles

Daly Valet with plateforme Pitit Dessalines and Moise Jean Charles

Here is ia picture where Daly Valet officially loined plateforme Pitit Dessalines of Moise Jean Charles and Assad Volcy

Recently, in the first week of April, 2015, journalist Daly Valet has announced his decision to join the platform of Pitit Desalin, an ideology based political coalition embodied by former Senator Moïse Jean-Charles. It is not sure whether Daly Valet will be a candidate for the upcoming election, furthermore, it was never clear before whether Daly Valet is a sympathizer or a member of the opposition. He was one of the journalists who met the President Martelly in December 2014 as part of a series of consultations on the political crisis in Haiti and guided him to the poor state of the country before his presidency. However, this platform has accumulated some fierce opponents of President Martelly. Pitit Desalin, is a political union of popular democratic organizations and it includes FOPARC; the platform has been created by former Senator Moïse Jean-Charles, who wants nothing but to remove President Martelly from power by any means.

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Platfom Pitit Desalin will not talk with President Michel Martelly

Platfom Pitit Desalin will not talk with President Michel Martelly

Here is a picture where members of Platfom Pitit Desalin stated that they will not talk with President Michel Martelly

Pitit Desalin (PD) a coalition of well-regarded democratic organizations, has rejected an invitation to meet with Haitian President Michel Martelly to work out their differences. Ironically PD leader, Assad Volcy, has an arrest warrant against him issued by the government, and is bemused by the invitation.

Opposition parties Fanmi Lavalas (FL), Inite, Fusion, and Kontrapep have been reluctant to pursue talks with Martelly after repeated invitations from him. FL in particular has not considered Martelly's overtures a serious move to reconcile their differences. The Patriotic Movement of the Democratic Opposition (MOPOD) has also turned down an invitation to meet with Martelly. Leaders consider the offer too little, too late.

Martelly, acting on another recommendation of the commission, has released 36 political prisoners to activist attorneys Michel Andre and Newton St. Juste. MOPOD thinks this is not enough and intends to bring legal action against Martelly for capital human rights violations. They also want the National Fund for Education audited for possible corruption activity.

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Platfom Pitit Desalin of Assad Volcy and Moise Jean Charles

Platfom Pitit Desalin of Assad Volcy and Moise Jean Charles

Pitit Desalin, a political platform of several popular democratic organizations, Some of its leaders include Assad Volcy, Moise Jean Charles

PD has no plans to cease demanding Martelly's resignation, and is not satisfied with the stepping down of Prime Minister Lamothe. In a released statement Senator Jean-Charles Moise, another PD leader, said the commission's recommendations mean nothing to them, commenting "The resignation of Prime Minister Lamothe makes us neither hot or cold."

Demonstrations demanding the removal of the Martelly-Lamothe administration are still ongoing despite Lamothe's leaving office. In fact, protests have become more violent, with larger numbers of people joining in them.

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