PM censured
Prime Minister Nominee Fritz Jean hunting for votes
Here is a picture of Prime Minister Nominee Fritz.
Prime Minister Nominee Fritz Jean now has to legalize his appointment by securing a vote of confidence in the Parliament by securing 16 votes in the Senate and 60 votes in the Lower House. The task looks difficult, because there is no political group in both houses with absolute majority that can make him through. Currently, the Senate is composed of two groups. The majority opposition (G15) on his side has 15 Senators, including the President of the Upper House of whom the President may not vote. Thus, he has to convince two Senators from the minority group (G9) to cast vote in his favor. The Lower House is again composed of three major political groups such as, 48 Deputies from Parliamentary Alliance for Haiti" (APH) or G48; 33 Deputies from the "Parliamentary Group at the Listening of the People"; and 11 independent deputies from the" Group of independent deputies" (GPI). If Fritz wants to get 60 votes, he has to convince some of his hardcore opponents from G 48.
Haitian Prime Minister Michele Pierre-Louis on the issue of Homosexuality
Michele Pierre-Louis was Haiti's second female Prime Minister. The first Haitian Female Prime Minister was Claudette Werleigh.
Michele Pierre-Louis was Prime Minister of Haiti from September 2008 to November 2009. She was Haiti's second female Prime Minister, after Claudette Werleigh, who served from 1995 to 1996.
Prime Minister nominee Michele Pierre-Louis was rumored to be a lesbian. She was allowed to hold the post of Prime Minister, after reading a public statement declaring the rumors to be false and an insult to her good character.
Jacques Edouard Alexis demands resignation of Michel Martelly
Here is a sign that shows the government of Martelli is facing its biggest challenge. Former Haitian Prime Minister Jacques Edouard Alexis demands the resignation of the current government
On December 3rd, while visiting Jacmel, the former Haitian Prime Minister Jacques Edouard Alexis has said, the resignation of Michel Martelly could pave the way for an early election in the country. He has also said that he never had an optimistic view to the efficiency of Martelly's Advisory Committee that floored the synthesis of political consultation between 22 September and 24 November 2014 to hold the overdue election. He denounced the method of collecting tax on the population. Alexis said he was dismissed because of inflation and high cost of living. The socioeconomic situation in the country is practically worse compared to his days.