Police Officer
NY Cop Arnous Morin, issued most traffic violation in 2015
Haitian-American Arnous Morin, New York top Cop issued most traffic violations.
Arnous Morin (53), a Haitian and New York City's top traffic agent has eclipsed his basic pay ($36,000) by over 33 times with the fines he has generated for the city coffers! During the 2015 fiscal year, he wrote 18,953 parking tickets at an astonishing rate- one in every 9 minutes, 45 seconds, amounting to $1.2 million. The most prolific parking N.Y cop says, I'm a traffic agent in my blood." He is courteous to motorists, but 'the law is hard, but it's the law'. In fact, more than half of his citations were made when the drivers did not move their vehicles during the street cleaning hours. Morin earned a civil-engineering degree in Port-Au-Prince. He used to teach mathematics and Spanish since he was only 19 years old and then became the principal of a Catholic school in Haiti. Scared by the aftermath of violent coup ousting President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, he moved his wife and four kids to Brooklyn in 2005 and arrived there himself next year. Since he could not find a teaching job in the U.S., became a parking attendant instead. He is very hardworking, works 12 hours a day on occasion, sometimes six or seven days in a week.
Police Officer wilbert Etienne Killed
Here is a picture of Police Officer wilbert Etienne who was killed.
On Wednesday, October 14, 2015, in the Delmas 24 neighborhood, Wilbert Etienne (29) a member of the 24th Promotion of the National Police of Haiti (PNH), while returning from a bank in civilian clothes after collecting a loan of 180,000 gourdes, was robbed and killed by two men on motorcycle. Gary Desrosiers from the Haitian police had identified the slain police officer as Wilbert Etienne. The two motor cyclists cornered him on a road in the Port-au-Prince neighborhood of Delmas 24 and shot the off-duty policeman several times before he died. Etienne was also traveling on a motorcycle. It is quite obvious that killing was planned by someone who knew his loan plans.