
Herve Casseus

Herve Casseus

Here is a picture of Herve Casseus, a keyboardiste, arranger, composer, musical director of the musical band,Orchestra Tropicana Haiti. He passed away on Monday, December 16, 2013 in the United states.

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Daniel Lariviere, Father of Arly Lariviere of Nu-Look

Daniel Lariviere, Father of Arly Lariviere of Nu-Look

This is the father of singer Arly Lariviere. Daniel Lariviere has a long career as a song wroter for the Haitian orchestre Tropicana.

Arly had the passion of being a musician as he was growing up with his father. Daniel is one of the top Haitian song Writers and in fact has composed some of the most beautiful songs for Tropicana D'Haiti.

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Tropicana And International Tour

Tropicana And International Tour

L Orchestre Tropicana d Ha ti is planning to launch an international tour in a celebration of the band's 40th anniversary. The tour is designed to go round the world and pass through North America, Europe as well as the Caribbean and the main objective L Orchestre Tropicana d Ha ti band tour is designed to reach out and entertain the fans.

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Tropicana And Maestro Ti Blanc

Tropicana And Maestro Ti Blanc

L'orchestre Tropicana D'Haiti band is known for its major performances which were very crucial. Over the years the L'orchestre Tropicana D'Haiti has managed to stay intact and continued in a consistent growth path.

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Tropicana In Cap-Haitien

Tropicana In Cap-Haitien

Here is a photo of Tropicana In Cap-Haitien.
may be old in term of the number of years they have been in existance. however, younger generation of musicians has been integrated within the band constantly to keep the in tune with the time

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Tropicana And The Young Generation

Tropicana And The Young Generation

L Orchestre Tropicana d Ha ti has remained popular for a long time. the songs being played by the groups are appreciated by the young generation.

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Tropicana In Cap-Haitian

Tropicana In Cap-Haitian

L'orchestre Tropicana D'Haiti band has an expectation to go back to its home country in Haiti following the New York concerts to work on their current projects.

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Tropicana Is Appreciated In Haiti

Tropicana Is Appreciated In Haiti

Hence L Orchestre Tropicana d Ha ti is a classic example of the long existing groups that have been appreciated in Haiti.

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Tropicana And Yolande, Limonade, Veye Priye, Angelique, Kimbe Dimite

Tropicana And Yolande, Limonade, Veye Priye, Angelique, Kimbe Dimite

Here is a photo of Tropicana And Yolande, Limonade, Veye Priye, Angelique, Kimbe Dimite.
is a hard-core Haitian musical group. With countless hit songs, Tropicana was able to carve a place in the Haitian music. Some of the most popular hit songs include Yolande, Limonade, Veye Priye, Angelique, Kimbe Dimite, Fleure adore, Nou refize Gran moune, and Ti j Jocelyn.

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Tropicana D'Haiti

Tropicana D'Haiti

Here is a photo of Tropicana.
had a popularity that was mainly in the north of Haiti at one point. However, the group popularity has increased tremendously lately.

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