Newly renovated Ciné TRIOMPHE vandalized by Anti Martelly protesters
Here is a picture of the newly renovated Ciné TRIOMPHE. During a protest against the government of Michel Martelly the protesters took their frustrations on the new movie theater by vandalizing it. Many glass windows were broken by rock throwers
The rehabilitation and modernization of the "Triumph" (earlier it was called Ciné Théâtre Triomphe ), in a construction of seismic building built, began in December 2012 with a cost of around US$7 million and it was first scheduled to reopen on February 2014. However, after a series of rescheduling, the work of renovation was completed and was awaiting for inauguration in December 2014. For several years there was no proper theater in Haiti. The renovated 'Triumph' includes three areas, two movie theaters and a place reserved for conferences. Its first room has a capacity of 450 seats and a scene that can support 50 performers at a time. The second room can accommodate 306 people. Both of them have been equipped with state of the art audio and video equipments. The theater also houses well furnished, all-inclusive dressing rooms. However, on December 18, while the renovated movie house was awaiting the official inauguration, some Aristide vandals came and smashed the place into an unusable state. This is an exhibit of Aristide's power politics and Lavalas welfare philosophy for people of Haiti!
Bronze Statue of Jean-Baptiste Pointe DuSable in Chicago hit by vandalism
Here is a picture of the statue for Haitian born Jean-Baptiste Pointe DuSable as it was recently the subject of vandalism. It was marked by black paint likely to prove a point on this Martin Luther King anniversary. The paint was successfully removed without any permanent damage
The Haitian born DuSable is credited for actually creating this major city of Chicago by opening Chicago's first trading post and settlement in the 1770s
A bust of Chicago's founder, born in ST. Marc, Haiti, was set upon by vandals during the anniversary of Martin Luther King. the statue is of Jean-Baptiste Point DuSable, who opened a trading post, the first in the city, driving people to the unsettled area in the 1770's. While the damage wasn't permanent, the defacing of the statue, in these racially sensitive times, has some thinking the prank had dire connotations, especially since it happened around Martin Luther King Day. The black paint, sprayed around the eyes of the statue, was removed with no permanent damage done to the bust.
Cap-Haitien Cathedral Vandalized
Cap-Haïtien Cathedral, a church of historical significance, was viciously vandalized in 2011. The miscreants were rumored to be part of Fanmi Lavalas, former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide's party.
Debasement of the Cathedral sent shock waves throughout the predominately Catholic community. The days of being able to seek sanctuary within its walls is over.
The attack seemed to co-incide with the return of Aristide after seven years exiled in Africa. Archbishop Kebreau called upon President Martelly to adopt a law-and-order approach to ruling Haiti.
Cathedral of Notre-Dame du Cap-Haitian vandalized
Cap-Haitian Police and responsible of of the Archdiocese of Cap-Haitian are investigating an incident of vandalism that took place at the Cathedral of Notre-Dame of Cap-Haitian on Saturday August 6. There were several damages done inside of the historic Cathedral in Cap-Haitian, including furniture that were overturned, broken or destroyed. The Vatican flag was torn, Blessed Sacrament and statues of saints were stolen.
The people responsible for the act wanted to give a message to the Catholic church. There were leaflets left inside of Cathedral of Notre-Dame which state that the Catholic Church is the devil's house.
The Archbishop of Cap-Haitien, Mgr Louis Kebreau condemned the act of vendalism on the Cathedral of Notre-Dame du Cap-Haitian, and in part accused other religions for fostering fanaticism" in Haiti.
This incident interrupted normal church activities as the Sunday morning Mass was not celebrated at the Cathedral of Notre-Dame du Cap-Haitian.