Zombie votes in Haiti Election, October 25, 2015
May 30, 2016 - A Verification Commission headed by Pierre Francois Benoit reported that the elections conducted on October 25, 2015 was characterized by significant fraud and professional misconduct. "After digging into it, we started seeing a pattern where a lot of votes could not be traced to a voter or to a group of voters. I call them "zombie votes"
On the evening of May 30th, 2016, Haiti's Independent Commission of Electoral Evaluation and Verification (CIEVE), a five-member team led by a businessman, Francois Benoit, who is a former ambassador to the U.S, released its long-awaited report on the controversial Washington-supported Haitian elections of August 9 and October 25, 2015. The audited report of the five member panel reveals that "the electoral process was marred by serious irregularities, grave inconsistencies, and massive fraud, because only 9% of the total vote cast has been found to be valid." The members of the CIEVE have reviewed 3,235 voter tallies (procès verbal), i.e., a 25% random sample of 12,939 total votes cast.
Their concern includes the complete lack of female officials elected. However, as per the Commission, at least one woman Nétlande Pierre Dérius of the Artibonite did indeed win by popular vote and her case along with 21 other legislature contestants should be remanded to a special electoral court for reinstatement.
Ballots for Haiti Election 2015 arrived from Dubai
All the preparation in place to start the voting process for the election season in Haiti in 2015. The Ballots to be used in the August 9, 2015 vote in Haiti to elect 118 Deputies and two thirds of the Senate just arrived in Airport Toussaint Louverture in Port-au-Prince from Dubai.
On Sunday, June 21, 2015, a delegation of the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) composed of President Pierre Louis Opont, Secretary Ricardo Augustine, and the Director of the Electoral Register Philippe Augustin flew to Dubai, United Arab Emirates, on a seven day inspection visit. They visited the firm responsible for printing the ballots for the upcoming parliamentary elections. The name of the firm responsible for printing was not disclosed; it was selected following an international tender decided by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), which manages the budget of the elections. The ballots have been delivered at the capital city airport before the August 9 election. 12.8 million ballots were required for the first round of the vote for 1508 voting centers and 13,725 polling centers.
Provisional Electoral Commission - CEP- announced results of Legislative election results
This picture represents the surprise the haitian population received when the Provisional Electoral Commission, CEP announced the results of the election for the Haitian legislature.
UNITE candidate placed on third position in the preliminary result became the winner of the election misteriously