Congresswoman Maxine Waters and 19 congressmen letter to Ban Ki-moon on Cholera
This is a picture of U.S. Congresswoman Maxine Waters. With 19 other congressmen, together they addressed a letter to Ban Ki-moon regarding taking responsibilities for spreading cholera in Haiti.
Here is the complete list of the U.S. authorities who signed the letter: Maxine Waters ; Barbara Lee ; Yvette D. Clarke ; Frederica S. Wilson ; Jan Schakowsky ; John Conyers, Jr. ; Alcee L. Hastings ; Charles B. Rangel ; Corrine Brown ; Donald M. Payne, Jr. ; Bobby L. Rush ; Wm. Lacy Clay ; Raúl M. Grijalva ; Debbie Wasserman Schultz ; John Lewis ; Gregory W. Meeks ; Donna F. Edwards ; Keith Ellison ; Carolyn B. Maloney"
Read more about united nations, maxine waters, u.n., MINUSTAH Cholera, Unites States Haiti relationship