Doing Business 2015 of the World Bank, Haiti moved up by only one point

Doing Business 2015 of the World Bank, Haiti moved up by only one point

Haiti is making some small improvement to attract business. Overall, according to the most current report from Doing Business 2015 of the World Bank, that his not enough to move the country closer to a friendly environment for business. Haiti still find itself at the bottom or among the last ten countries in its ranking

Doing Business 2015 of the World Bank, Haiti moved up by only one point

Haiti's upward movement on the World Bank's Doing Business 2015 ranking might only be up one step, but compared to some other countries, like their island neighbor the Dominican Republic, Haiti has done well for itself since their last stage on the ranking. The Dominican Republic may be many places ahead of their poorer neighbor, at 84th to Haiti's 180th, but they are in exactly the same position they occupied last year, while Haiti has progressed where business was concerned. In one category alone--Dealing with Construction Permits--Haiti moved up a whole 6 places. This, indeed, augurs well for the future of the embattled country.

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