Maya Hyppolite and her organic products for the face and body
Here is a picture of the Haitian chemist Maya Hyppolite as she feels at home creating organic products for the face and body.
Maya Hyppolite-Williams, a Haitian chemist with a Masters Degree in cosmetic science is the founder and owner of Morganna's Alchemy. Simplicity and results are the main drivers behind the success of Morganna. Her products can be divided into three main categories: Phytotherapy (healing with plants), Dermatology (skin healing) and Cosmetics (skin moisturizing). Her business started almost one decade ago when she was working for some major cosmetic companies. One day her aunt complained her of some facial infection and flu-like symptoms of the side effects of Botox treatments. She prepared a cream for her aunt in own kitchen and that came out with such magic healing power that she never had to look back. Today that product is the number one selling item as wrinkle reduction cream (Morganna's Elixir).
Read more about fashion, Maya Hyppolite, chemist, fashion