New Chief Prosecutor of Port-au-Prince, Me Rene Francisco
A new authority is in town. The new Government Commissioner of Haiti, Me René Francisco, started this new job in August, 2013 and immediately, the controversies followed him.
Many people in the Haitian society estimated that Me René Francisco takes control of the prosecutor of Port-au-Prince to help the government of Michel Martelly to start a repressive machinery against the opposition.
Me Francisco René replaced Me Lucmane Delille in office since October 30, 2012 as the new Prosecutor of Port-au-Prince. the appointment was made by Jean Renel Sanon, the Minister of Justice.
This position of Government Commissioner has recently become one with the highest turnover rate in this government. Me Francisco René became the 9th Commissioner of Government under the government of Martelly. Prior to him, we can recall: Me Lucmane Délille, Me Jean-Claude Dabrésil, Me Elco Saint-Amant, Renel Sénatus, Harrycidas Auguste, Sonel Jean François, Félix Léger, Lionel Constant Bourgouin
Read more about chief prosecutor of haiti, government prosecutor, Government Commissioner, Rene Francisco, Government