NY Dominicans Protest Haitian Deportations in Dominican Republic
Here is a picture where several Dominicans in New York City are Protesting Haitian Deportations in Dominican Republic.
On Wednesday, June 17, 2015, the Dominicans living in New York came out in a move of solidarity and protest against a controversial Dominican court ruling supporting a debatable immigration policy which may render thousands of Dominican-Haitians stateless. The demonstrators assembled outside their Dominic consulate near the Time Square to show their stance against the anti-racism policy. A 2013 ruling has retroactively changed the nationality criteria for those born to immigrant parents in Haiti since 1929. The ruling was enacted in May 2014 and it allowed the susceptible Dominicans a time limit to establish their citizenship, which expired on June 17, 2015. One of the demonstrators, when asked, has described this move by the Dominican government as unprecedented because there is no other government in the world which could ever do this and it is more surprising because all the international bodies are mum on this. Some of the New York City's elected leaders and officials came out in support of these Dominican-Haitians. Mayor Bill de Blasio, in a statement, has called on the Dominican government to respect and guarantee basic rights to all.
Read more about dominican republic, new york city, new york, dominican, deportation, caicos islands deportations, Immigration