President Michel Martelly riding a Polaris
Here is a picture of Haitian president Michel Martelly as he is riding a Polaris.
As per the news dated June 15, 2016, Senator Youri Latortue while investigating the use of PetroCaribe fund, has referred to the existence of a contract. The contract valuing $4.5 million out of the PetroCaribe fund to buy Polaris vehicles for the Haiti National Police (PNH) to facilitate their movement. The deal was signed by Jean-Max Bellerive, then Minister of Planning during Martelly regime in October 2011. As per Youri Latortue's investigation, the disbursements were made, but as per police chief, Michel Ange Gedeon, no such vehicle has yet been received by the police other than 20 such vehicles received as gifts from the Government of Canada since 2010. However, Harry Robert Tippenhauer ,the general manager of RHT Plaza, responsible to supply the vehicles said, they had not received any money out of that account as the said contract was cancelled by Laurent Lamothe then Minister of Planning and External Cooperation and head of government. Recently, a picture released shows former president Martelly is driving a Polaris car!
Read more about michel martelly, Polaris, transportation