Protest in Croix-Hilaire, locality of Petit-Goâve
Here is a protest in Croix-Hilaire, locality of Petit-Goâve. The population is demanding more electricity.
Petit-Goâve Protestors Demand Electricity Now and Me Jean Alix Civil Fired
Petit-Goâve protestors are fed up in Croix-Hilaire. They have gone without electricity for six months, and are telling Electricity of Haiti either reconnect the transformer, or residents will set up barricades of burning tires on National Road #2.
Another protest, more peaceful, is being organized by Block of Democratic Opposition to order the government to immediately dismiss Petit Goâve Government Commissioner Me Jean Alix Civil and appoint a new municipal cartel.
Read more about Protest, manifestation, Energy, electricity, haitian protest, Petit Goave, Croix-Hilaire, Protest