Dumarsais Estime and United States
The administration of Dumarsais Estime included a coalition of dissidents who led opposition to previous regimes. He did not receive lot of support from the American government who viewed his government unfavorably. His government was labeled left-wing. Dumarsais tried to solidify ties to the United States by exaggerating the communist threat to his government.
A memorable picture of Franklin Roosevelt and Elie Lescot.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the 32nd President of the United States. He was a dominant leader of the Democratic Party and the only American president elected to more than two terms.
The domestic policy of Franklin Delano Roosevelt redefined American liberalism for the middle third of the 20th century.
During World War II, he gave strong diplomatic and financial support to China and Great Britain, while remaining officially neutral.
Former Haitian President Elie Lescot
This is a picture of Former President of Haiti, Elie Lescot.
A Haitian Mulato elite, born in Saint-Louis du Nord to a middle-class family. Haitian history would inform us that Elie Lescot completed his secondary education in the historic city of Cap-Haitian. Then, he moved to the city of Port-de-Paix where he became involved in the import export business.
Elie Lescot put his feet into the water of Haitian politic in 1911. By 1914, he was elected to the Chamber of Deputies two years later.
Douane an Hotel communale in Port-au-Prince, Elie Lescot
Here is a picture of the Douane an Hotel communale during the government of Elie Lescot.
Elie Lescot spent about 5 years in office which is from May 15, 1941 to January 11, 1946. He was a Haitian Mulato born from a wealth Haitian family. Elie Lescot developed a very close relationship to the US government during his administration.
There were many issues related to his government. Elie Lescot used harsh political repressive measures to keep his opponents quiet. Throughout his government, Haiti suffered harsh economic downturn
Dumarsais Estime, President of Haiti from 1946 to 1950
Here is a picture of the former Haitian president Dumarsais Estime.
Estipme was born a very poor man in the region of Verrettes. His uncle gave him the chance to move to the capital city of Port-au-Prince where he persued his education. He became a lawyer and briefly practiced law before accepting a teaching job.
Dumarsais Estimé joined Haiti's nationalist movement in 1930
Centre D'Art Haitian in the 1950s
Here is a picture of the Centre d'Art in Port-au-Prince. The Center was in existance for a total of thirteen years but made such a difference in the Haitian culture. This was one of the few institutions at the time in Haiti that offered an equal opportunity to several hundred Haitian artists
Dumarsais Estime and Paul Magloire
Here is a classic picture of Dumarsais Estime and Paul Magloire.
Dumarsais Estime was largely unable to deliver on his economic promises in Haiti during his government. In addition, the United States Government imposed strict tax controls.
In Haiti, large American companies associated labor officials to communists. In light of all these challenges, Dumarsais Estime issued a call to the Haitian people to sacrifice and help raise money. A popular national campaign became very effective with $7.6 million went towards debt payment.
Dumarsais Estime and Francois Duvalier
Here is a memorable picture of two Haitian Presidents, Dumarsais Estime and Francois Duvalier.
Born out of poor parent in Verrettes, Dumarsais Estime graduated from law school and practiced law for a short time before becoming a teacher. He went into exile during the government of Louis Borno. During the US occupation of haiti in 1915, Dumarsais Estime was one of the biggest critics