
Asosi, Remed Fey Ayiti

Asosi, Remed Fey  Ayiti

Here is a very popular Haitian medicine, Asosi, Remed Fey Ayiti.

Asosi, a Cure-All for Ailments. Cerasee, also known as asosi, is a bitter fruit, familiar to Asia, the Caribbean, Africa, and the Middle East. Asosi has many uses: as a detoxifier, pain reliever, and tonic.

It's an all-purpose herbal remedy, used for various conditions like parasites, liver complications, rashes, eczema, sores, constipation, menstrual cramps, and urinary tract infections.

Asosi, used as a tea, wash, and also steamed is composed of iron, vitamins A and C, phosphorus, and alkaloids.

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