Haiti nominated 10Best Readers' Choice Travel Awards 2015
Our beloved Haiti has been nominated for the 10 Best Readers' Choice Travel Awards 2015
Each week USA Today asks their readers to help them picking 10 Best Travel Destinations based on different categories ranging from food, lodging, things to do, etc., by casting one vote in each category each week. Their panel of travel experts selects the top 20 nominees, and readers help them to make the final selection. Some examples of their travel destination categories are: Best Caribbean Destination for Adventure, Best Caribbean Destination for Food, Best Caribbean Destination for Nightlife, Best U.S. Budget Destination. Haiti with its dramatic countryside of mountain, caves, waterfall, sea beaches, and heritage sites likes of the Citadelle Laferriere fortress had ranked top at No 1 during the third week of October 2015. However, it slipped to No: 2 of 20 next week, in the Best Caribbean Destination for Adventure category.
Klass, winner of Best Haitian Entertainer of the Year 2015
Here is a picture of Rchie, the maestro of the Haitian group Klass, winner of Best Haitian Entertainer of the Year 2015.
On October 4, 2015 at the Bailey Hall of Broward College Central Campus in Davie, Florida, during the 34th Annual International Reggae & World Music Awards (IRAWMA) ceremony, the Haitian Compas band 'Klass' has been given the "Best Haitian Entertainer of the Year 2015" award. Another Haitian Compas band based in Florida, has won the "Florida Haitian Entertainer of the Year" award for 2015. Every year, the International Reggae & World Music Awards are announced under the management of the THELAR Management Group and Martin's International Culture. Experts on Haitian music participate from the U.S, Europe, Canada, France and Africa who look after the nomination process, and the winner is selected on their releases between June 2014 and May 31st, 2015 by considering their social relevance, popularity at different levels, stage appearances, originality, etc. The THELAR Management Group oversees the Haitian category.
Guy Etienne, teacher at the College Catts Pressoir
Here is another picture of excellence in Haiti. Guy Etienne who is a teacher at the College Catts Pressoir of Port-au-Prince, has been selected one of 10 finalists for the award for the best teacher in the world in 2015
Varkey Gems Foundation, a global education foundation, is set to award a $1 million prize to the best teacher in the world. Haitian teacher Guy Etienne is one of 10 finalists in the 2015 competition.
Etienne will be judged by a 67-member jury on three major criteria: how he inspires the minds of his students; how he makes contributions within his community, and how he motivates students to pursue teaching as a profession.
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Karine Condé, winner of the Prize Discover Haiti 2014
Here is a picture of Ms. Karine Condé. Be became winner of the Prize Discover Haiti 2014 in the area of Tourist promotion
For her promotion of the country of Haiti, especially the region of the south, and her work to make the tourism and hospitality training at the Institute of Hospitality and Tourism more professionalized, Karine Conde Emeran, Director of Departmental South of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Industries, was awarded Personality of the Year 2014, the Prize Discover Haiti. She will attend the launch of Friday of Tourism and Hotel in the last week of January 2015 to officially receive the prize in the presence of her fellow competitors who were recognized by the panel of five who chose the winner.
Finale Nationale Digicel Entrepreneur de l'année 2014
Here is a picture of the Final National Digicel "Entrepreneur de l'année 2014" that took place on December 16, at Hotel Caribe in Haiti
This year, a short list of 85 finalists for 2014 EOTY has been prepared out of over 250 initial entries and the list reflects the changing face of a new Haiti moving on a journey to advancement and prosperity. This year the winners will be selected in a new way-- two finalists from each category will be selected from the west, and one from each category in the center, north and south Haiti. The theme of the award has been chosen as "A Voice for Entrepreneurs". The entrepreneurs will describe what they need to achieve success, how they achieve growth, what they can to contribute to the community and their vision for the future. Maarten Boute, the CEO of Digicel Haiti, has welcomed the rise in the number of women finalists (25% from an earlier 20%). The first twenty five finalists will be taken to an executive education program at Florida International University in Miami, focusing on finding new opportunities and achieving success.
Rene Preval awards Cuban Medical Brigade for services in Haiti
Here is a picture of the devoted Cuban Medical Brigade as they are arriving in Haiti.
Cuban Medical teams have been making a major difference in Haiti since 1998, since the government of Jean-Bertrand Aristide. They have been all over haiti providing necessary medical services to the population. The 2010 Haiti earthquake has made their presence even more important in Haiti.
Architecture Professor John McRae Wins AIA Gold Medal for Haiti Work
Here is a picture of Architecture Professor John McRae as he was the winner of AIA Gold Medal for his work in Haiti
The American Institute of Architects at its yearly Design Awards Gala awarded John McRae its Gold Medal Award for his outstanding contributions in the field of architecture.
Susanne Tarovella and Andy Godwin collaborated with McRae on the UT Haiti Project, designing a high school, housing, and medical facilities for Haitian communities. They wrote McRae's nomination letter saying his work ". . . will continue to have lasting impact over generations."
Laurent Lamothe awarded Innovative Leader of The year 2014
On Friday, November 7, 2014, Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe was awarded Innovative Leader of The year 2014 in a ceremony.
Lamothe 2014 Innovative Leader
Prime Minister Lamothe, after receiving the 2014 Innovative Leader of the Year Award, spoke about where Haiti stands in its recovery efforts. For the past four years he said the government has launched several innovative projects to combat poverty and drive sustainable economic growth.
He credited his administrative staff for their diligence in moving projects forward. He also praised Brazilian President Lula for making a commitment to Haiti's poor when Lamothe last visited Brazil. In a symbolic gesture he dedicated his award to the Haitian people.
Yanick Lahens awarded France's prestigious Femina Prize
Here is a Picture of Yanick Lahens as she was awarded France's prestigious Femina Prize. She received the prize for her book " Bain de lune"
Yenick Lahens Yanick Lahens was born in Port-au-Prince, Haiti on December 22, 1953. She completed her studies at the University of Paris IV-Sorbonne, then returned to Haiti to teach at Ecole Normale Superieure.
Yanick Lahens is a co-founder of the Association of Haitian writers and the "Culture and Creativity". She wrote several books including Exile, Tante Résia et les Dieux, Dans la maison du père, La Petite Corruption, La folie était venue avec la pluie, La Couleur de l'aube , Failles, Guillaume et Nathalie and Bain de lune
Yanick Lahens Awarded France's Prestigious Femina Prize
On Monday 3, 2014, an all-woman Jury awarded "France's Prestigious Femina Prize (Prix Femina)" to the Haitian writer Yanick Lahens. The authoress Lahens (born 22 December 1953) has received the award for her book titled "Bain de lune" (Bath Moon). It is a family epic that opens up on a stormy sea beach with a fisherman who discovers a girl that seems to have escaped great violence. The story traces the paths of voodoo magic to understand how and why she ended up on the sea beach. The Prix Femina is a French literary award that was created in 1904 by 22 writers from the "La Vie heureuse" (or The Happy Life, now it is known as Femina); it is decided and announced on the first Wednesday of November each year, exclusively by female jury, although the authors awarded are not gender restricted. Yanick Lahens completed her studies in France. She was a teacher, journalist, social activist (Action for Change or CPA), served in the cabinet of the Minister of Culture and now a member of the International Council of Francophone studies.
Martelly Bestows Commander Rank on Minister Turnbull
Minister John Turnbull of Baptist Haiti Mission (BHM) was honored with Commander of the Honor and Merit rank. President Martelly lauded Turnbull for his 75 years of service aiding at-risk communities. BHM started in 1943 and has developed into an organization, ministering to six departments.
Besides spiritual guidance given to communities, BHM programs cover education, health, environment, housing, and agricultural sectors, among many worthy works. BHM's field office has a staff of 80, who administer both church and secular programs.