Bill de Blasio

Deportation of Haitians in DR illegal, immoral and racist

Deportation of Haitians in DR illegal, immoral and racist

Let's call a dog a dog. What the Dominicans are currently doing to Haitians and Dominican-Haitians is not the behavior of a civilized society. At least we can go along with the statement of New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio who described the behaviors of the Dominican government as illegal, immoral and racist.

The Dominican Republic (DR) is getting ready to expel thousands upon thousands of Haitian migrants and their natural-born progeny as the date for implementation of the new immigration law draws near. Human rights organizations claim the law is based on race-hatred of darker-skinned Haitians.

DR President Medina states no mass deportations will happen and 210,000-plus Haitians have registered for the regularization program. Meanwhile dozens of buses stand poised to transport deportees to Haiti's border.

NYC Mayor de Blasio denounces DR Haitian Migrant Deportation Plan

The Dominican Republic's (DR) plan to deport Dominican-born Haitians has drawn the ire of NYC Mayor de Blasio. He describes the DR's intentions as "illegal, immoral, and racist".

In Washington D.C. the Association of Haitian Professionals (AHP) are organizing a protest at the
Embassy of the Dominican Republic, where they will call for ending deportations. AHP says Dominicans target anyone, who possess "Haitian facial features" and commit violent acts on them.

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