Magalie Adolphe Racine run for Deputy of Mirebalais and Boucan Carre
Here is a picture of Former Minister of Sports Magalie Adolphe Racine as she is making a bid to run for Deputy of Mirebalais and Boucan Carre
Ms. Magalie Adolphe Racine, the former Minister of Youth, Sports and Civic, has submitted her nomination to run for the post of Deputy of Mirebalais and Boucan Carre on behalf of Repons Klas Mwayen (The Middle Class Response) party. She is a former deputy of Abel Descolines, a leading member of the Martelly administration, Parliamentarians for Stability and Progress (PSP) bloc of the 49th legislature. She has served as an adviser and the chief of protocol to the First Lady Sophia Martelly. Her mother was a notorious "tonton makout. In 1963, she became chief commandant of Port-au-Prince. Magalie has a background in the fashion and modeling industry. She is a beauty trainer, former supermodel and an active entrepreneur in organizing fashion shows in Haiti.
Read more about mirebalais, Boucan Carre, Haiti election 2015, Magalie Adolphe Racine, Election