Cap-Haitien International Airport fully restored and renovated
Here is a picture of the original Cap-Haitian Airport before it was fully restored and renovated
With its new, longer and wider runway, plus other amenities added in preparation for the airport's renovation and subsequent acceptance of commercial flights from an international carrier in Cap-Haitien, the Hugo Chavez airport welcomed the likes of the nation's President and Minister of Tourism among its first guests. The airport boasts a fully renovated and restored facade, to be further equipped by a fire station, and a 8,500 feet by 138 feet runway. Other amenities will be provided at the hosted terminals for IBC Airways, Sunrise Airways, interCaribbean Airways and Tortug'Air.
American Airlines New Route to Cap-Haitien Begins
American Airlines (AA) has begun to schedule daily non-stop service from Miami International Airport to Cap-Haitien's Hugo Chavez International Airport.
AA executive Art Torno said the new route will play a key role in helping ". . . to develop the north coast and open up this historically significant destination."
Passengers flying out of Cap-Haitien on Boeing 737-800s will be able to connect to dozens of destinations in the U.S., Europe, the Caribbean, and South America.
Hugo Chavez International Airport Honors Venezuelan Generosity
Cap-Haitien Airport was re-named Hugo Chavez International Airport (HCIA) to show appreciation to deceased Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez's support of Haiti during its tough periods. He gave over $1 billion to help Haiti, and the country has never forgotten his legacy.
HCIA links Haiti to Miami, Providenciales, and Cibao International Airports and other regional air carriers.
The Venezuelan government is helping fund a renovation of HCIA and began repaving a concrete runway in 2012, completed in 2013.
American Airlines First Flight to Cap-Haitian
Here is a picture of the first official flight to Cap-Haitian by American Airlines. It took place on October 2, 2014 and on board were President Michel Martelly, Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe, Haiti Minister of Tourism, Stephanie Villedrouin and many more
After the celebration inside of the new Cap-Haitian airport, president Michel Martelly and Laurent Lamothe took ot to the streets of the city and were followed by several thousands of people
Michel Martelly and Laurent Lamothe on First American Airlines flight to Cap-Haitian
A historic day yes in deed. You are looking at the first flight of American Airlines to the city of Cap-Haitian. Michel Martelly and Laurent Lamothe were on board to celebrate the opening of the First American Airlines flight to Cap-Haitian
Haiti and Venezuela to Renovate Cap-Haitien Airport
Prime Minister Lamothe said Cap-Haitien International Airport has been re-named Hugo Chavez International Airport after the late Venezuelan president, a generous benefactor of Haiti. He gave over $1 billion to aid the country and his memory lives on in the hearts of Haitians.
Haiti and Venezuela have inked a deal to renovate the airport. Construction carried out by Haitian contractors with oversight by a Cuban-Venezuelan company. A runway has already been completed.
American Airlines First Flight to Cap-Haitian, September 2, 2014
Here is a picture of the first American Airlines First Flight to the city of Cap-Haitian. This took place in September 2, 2014. Following the ceremony, President Michel Martelly and Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe took the celebration to the city. A huge crowd of people continue to follow them as they walk throughout the city
L'entree triomphale de Michel Martelly au Cap-Haitien
Sa se vreman sa yo rele: L'entree triomphale de Michel Martelly au Cap-Haitien apre li fini inogire Aeropor Cap-Aysyen-an avek premye vol American Airlines, jou ki te 2 Septam, 2014.
The Haitian President managed to get people in Cap-Haitien in the street to celebrate the first American Airlines flight to the city. From the huge number of people who came out to follow him in the streets of the second City in Haiti, this shows his popularity is very high with the people of Cap-Haitien
Cap-Haitian Suffused with History
Around every bend in Cap-Haitian, the past speaks and city historians are eager to share its lore.
On Rue 19 lived Joseph Laroche, who drowned when the Titanic sank, the one Black person aboard the ship.
Rue 18 was where Antenor Firmin began his life, rising to prominence as the initial Haitian anthropologist in the Americas.
Rue 13 produced Oswald Durand, a poet and songwriter, who wrote "Yellow Bird".
European royalty has also resided in Cap-Haitian, another part of its intriguing past.
José Marti Square in Cap-Haitian
In January, Michel Martelly placed a wreath at the base of a monument to Jose Marti, who gained freedom for Cuba in the 1900s.
Martelly spoke of the alliance between Cuba and Haiti, saying Marti began ". . . the genesis of cooperation between Haiti and Cuba . . . that still develops for the benefit of Haiti and Cuban citizens."
In 1895, Marti inhabited a house in Cap Haitien, which has revered his memory with a marble plaque, marking the historical time he spent there.
New Cap-Haitian Airport Design
Here is a picture of the New Cap-Haitian Airport Design. Fekokap organized a march in the city to demand that the works continue.
The March would start at place de Carénage, and tour the city to end at the administrative building.
The Coordinator of the Fédération of comités quartiers of Cap-Haitien (Fekokap), Dr Daniel Albert,was in charge of the movement,