cholera victims
Cholera Magic Powder
Here is a picture based on rumors in the grand Anse region of Haiti that a priest has come up with magic powder to spread cholera to the population.
According to, at least 12 people were killed by machete-weilding mobs, and their body burned because of suspicion that they are part of a group using a magic powder to spread the cholera disease on the Haitian population.
U.S. government urged judge to dismiss Cholera lawsuit
New development regarding Cholera victims in Haiti. U.S. government urged a federal judge to dismiss lawsuit filed against the United Nations by a group of Haitians who claim peacekeepers caused the devastating cholera epidemic on October 23, 2014
Citing that the Union Nations was immune from the claims made against it of introducing the deadly strain of cholera that has killed 8,500 people Haiti, the United States government urged District Judge J. Paul Oetken to throw out the the lawsuit against the U.N. The suit, which was filed in 2013 hasn't been met with much attention from the Ban Ki-moon-run U.N., which refuses to be served and refuses to appear to answer the claims in Manhattan federal court.
Hait an Cholera
Following the cholera outbreak after the earthquake in 2010, the United Nations was quick to deny an involvement, though early sources were citing the camp of their Nepalese peacekeepers as the root. In a series of attempts to hide the truth, including an inaccurate statement on the conditions of the base and the sub-standard testing of samples taken from the scene, which came back negative for cholera, it took DNA testing from the U.S. CDC to clear it up.
United Nations and Cholera in Haiti
The United nations has decided not to take responsibility for the cholera outbreak in Haiti. Several independent studies have concluded that they are in fact responsible. In addition to that, the UN has claimed full diplomatic diplomatic immunity
Ban Ki-moon, rejected claim for compensation filed in 2011 on behalf of cholera victims in Haiti, as "not receivable" because of the United Nations' has diplomatic immunity.
For MINUSTAH in Haiti, Forgiveness does not cure illness for Cholera victims
At least this is what a group of Haitians believes.
On November 8th the Institute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti (IJDH) decided to go in the offece against MINUSTAH.
The organization submitted 5,000 claims to the organisation of cases of cholera and blaimed the UN force in Haiti for that.
The seak to collect damages totaling at least $250m on behalf of Haitian cholera victims.