During the Duvalier period, one important figure was General Jacques Gracia. The period of the Duvalier in Haiti is filled with history. Here is the picture of General Jacques Gracia during this historical period.
Thhis is a key figure during the Duvalier period. Madame Max Adolphe started her milice career as the commandant of Fort-Dimanche. She became the woman most faired in Haiti as the Fiette Lalo
The period of the Duvalier in Haiti is filled with history. Here is the picture of Luc Desir who occupied a very important position in the government at the time. Luc Desir replaced Clement Barbot as the chief of the Duvalier secret Police
Here is the picture of Clement Barbot co-founded the VSN. During this historical period, Clement Barbot was a Duvalier paramilitary group leader, but fell out of favor in some anti- duvalierist acts
Here is the picture of Luckner Cambronne. During this historical period, Luckner Cambronne was one of President Francois Duvalier Cabinet members. He recently passed away
The period of the Duvalier in Haiti is filled with history. During that period, Georges J. Figaro occupied an important position and was very useful to the Duvalier. He was also very popular figure for the generation growing up in Haiti at the time
Here is the picture of Jeann-Mary Chanoine. During this historical period of the Duvaliers in Haiti, Jeann-Mary Chanoine occupied an important position.