Jacques Roumain, Famous Haitian writer
This is a picture of a famous Haitian writer, Jacques Roumain.
Jacques Roumain was born on June 4, 1907 and died at an early age on August 18, 1944
He was a writer, politician, and advocate of Marxism. He was a renowned writer in the Caribbean and Latin America. He was also appreciated in America as the great African-American poet, Langston Hughes, translated several work from Jacques Roumain. His most popular work was Gouverneurs de la Rosée (Masters of the Dew) in which he touched many aspects of Haitian life and culture.
Jacques Roumain is one of the Haitian writers who is still known today. He died suddenly at an age of 37 and the cause of his death remains undetermined
Read more about Writer, Book, Poet, Jacques Roumain, Marxist, Communist, Education